Although a formal committee of Brighton & Hove City Council, the Health & Wellbeing Board has a remit which includes matters relating to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the Local Safeguarding Board for Children and Adults and Healthwatch.




Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) programme update


Date of Meeting:



Report of:


Alistair Hill, Director of Public Health



Kate Gilchrist, Head of Public Health Intelligence

Tel: 01273 290457


Wards Affected:






Executive Summary


Since April 2013, local authorities and CCGs have had equal and explicit obligations to prepare a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which provides a comprehensive analysis of current and future needs of local people, and is used to inform commissioning of services that will improve outcomes and reduce inequalities.


This duty is discharged by the Health & Wellbeing Board and overseen by the City Needs Assessment Steering Group.


This paper provides an update on the JSNA programme and items for discussion on needs assessments to commence in 2021/22.


Glossary of Terms

JSNA – Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

JHWS – Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy



1.           Decisions, recommendations and any options


1.1        That the Board note the updated JSNA summary.

1.2        That the Board approves the programme of JSNAs to commence in 2021/22 set out in sections 4.7 to 4.9


2.      Relevant information


2.1         Needs assessments provide a comprehensive analysis of current and future needs of local people to inform commissioners and providers how they can improve outcomes and reduce inequalities. They also ensure relevant strategies, including the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy, are based upon high quality evidence, and have been used as a valuable resource for community and voluntary sector organisations (for example in making external funding bids).


2.2         Evidence within needs assessments usually includes local demographic and service data; evidence from the public, patients, carers, service users and professionals; and national research and best practice. These elements are brought together to identify unmet needs, inequalities, and overprovision of services. They also inform commissioners and providers how they can improve outcomes for local people.


2.3         The JSNA is delivered by a city-wide partnership approach led by the Public Health team. The programme is overseen by the City Needs Assessment Steering Group, which includes representatives from the council’s Public Health, Adult Social Care, Families Children and Learning, Housing, Policy and Communities Equality & Third Sector teams; the CCG; HealthWatch; Community Works; Sussex Police and the two universities. However, given the Covid pandemic, the Steering Group has not met since early 2020 and with many changes across partners, membership needs to be reviewed.


2.4         The programme has three elements:

·                    Overarching resources: Including the JSNA summaries, data snapshots, survey briefings and Annual Reports of the Director of Public Health. The 2019 executive summary is being presented to the Board for approval. The summary sections are moving to more infographic and interactive content as agreed in the plan to the Board in 2017.

·                    Rolling programme of in-depth needs assessments on a specific theme or population group.

·                    Community Insight, an online resource providing a wide range of data mapped at small area level across the city as well as up to date reports for these areas.

·                    All resources described above are accessible via the Local Intelligence website ( the Strategic Partnership data and information resource for those living and working in Brighton & Hove.


2.5         The JSNA programme supports commissioners across the city in considering these issues in policy, commissioning and delivering services.


2.6         The evidence from the JSNA, and these key areas for improvement, are prioritised within the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


2.7         Much of the JSNA programme was put on hold in 2020/21 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. JSNA activities in 2020/21 include:

·         JSNA overarching summary updated three times

·         Adults with Multiple Complex Needs JSNA complete (awaiting sign off)

·         Contributed to the Sussex wide BAME needs assessment

·         Physical activity JSNA summary updated


2.8         The Public Health team are recruiting a JSNA lead for one year to support the programme, given the continued demands around Covid-19, and have identified a limited budget to commission elements of needs assessments where required.


JSNA summary

3.1         An overarching short summary of the Brighton & Hove population, and its needs continues to be updated quarterly.


3.2         The summary sets out a snapshot the key health and wellbeing issues for the city, across the life course, set out into wider determinants and then the four wells from the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


3.3         The format of the summary changed to be more visual, with a more interactive online version in 2019. In both versions, users can click on the icons to link to trend data, where available.


3.4         The format will again be reviewed in 2021 to make sure it meets current requirements and builds in more automation where possible.


JSNA programme of in depth needs assessments and summary needs assessments

4.1         Each year the Health and Wellbeing Board approves a small number of in depth needs assessments for Brighton & Hove. Due to the resource and partnership working involved this is usually two needs assessments.


4.2         In 2020 the programme was largely put on hold due to Covid-19, with the exception of the Adults with Multiple Complex Needs Assessments which is being presented today.


4.3         There is a statutory requirement to complete a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment by October 2022, this needs assessment will commence within 2021/22.


4.4         In addition to in depth needs assessments, the Public Health team, with support from relevant partners, will produce a number of summary JSNAs on key topics (these will not include primary data collection or new qualitative research).


4.5         Discussion around JSNA at Place / Sussex level are taking place with East and West Sussex Public Health teams to coordinate where possible, and to produce Sussex level summaries where appropriate but to recognise that the JSNA programme needs to also focus on the priorities of Place.


4.6         The prioritisation criteria we have used in the past have included:

·        Is it a priority for Council and NHS?

·        What about community/voluntary sector?

·        Would it be particularly timely to do an assessment now?

·        How much current intelligence is there?

·        What about prevalence and impact?

·        Links to equalities and inequalities?


4.7         Suggested priorities for Brighton & Hove for in-depth needs assessments:

o   Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (a statutory duty to complete by October 2022 so will be within the programme.

o   Mental Health


4.8         Given the capacity, and work involved in an in-depth needs assessment, it is suggested two of these are selected for in-depth needs assessment in 2021/22, one being the statutory Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment and a programme for the next three years is then established through the steering group. The others would be put into the programme for summary needs assessment updates


4.9         Those which have been suggested for summary needs assessment update to date include:

o   Sexual health (Children and Young People) - underway

o   Sexual health (Adults) - underway

o   HIV and AIDs – underway

o   Our population

o   Health protection

o   Oral health

o   Smoking

o   Alcohol

o   Healthy weight (Children and Young People)

o   Healthy weight (Adults and Older People)

o   Dementia

o   Dying well – underway

o   Cancer




3.      Important considerations and implications



3.1        The Health and Social Care Act 2012 (s196) requires the function of preparing a JSNA to be discharged by the Health and Wellbeing Board. Specifically, from April 2013, local authorities and Clinical Commissioning Groups have equal and explicit obligations to prepare a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) which provides a comprehensive analysis of current and future needs of local people to inform commissioning of services that will improve outcomes and reduce inequalities.


Lawyer consulted:        Nicole Mouton                          Date:05/07/2021



3.1       The resources required to support the production of the JSNA are funded by the ring-fenced public health grant and are reflected within the service and financial plans for public health. The JSNA provides the needs assessment for the city. Future commissioning plans and delivery plans will need to reflect on these needs. Any subsequent reports and plans will need to individually assess their financial implications, the impact on the needs of the city and the intended outcomes.


Finance Officer consulted:     Sophie Warburton        Date:05/07/2021




3.2       Needs assessments consider specific needs of groups with protected characteristics. The JSNA is a key data source to inform action to improve outcomes in all groups and meet the public sector equality duty (including Equality Impact Assessments).




3.3         No implications: Sustainability related issues are important determinants of health & wellbeing and these are integrated in the summary. The JSNA will support commissioners to consider sustainability issues.


Health, social care, children’s services and public health:


3.4       The JSNA summary sets out the key health and wellbeing and inequalities issues for the city and so supports commissioners across the city in considering these issues in policy, commissioning & delivering services.


Supporting documents and information


Brighton & Hove Joint Strategic Needs Assessment available at: